I noticed in a recent post
michaelemerson.proboards21.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=lost&thread=1201824394&page=3 that a picture was uploaded that we could not see. I looked at the entry and saw that the picture came from a site that you had to log in to see the picture. I went ahead and captured it, uploaded to my photobucket account, and reposted it.
I’d like to address a problem that we seem to be having lately (this particular instance is not the only instance, btw): hotlinking. Hotlinking means that you use the url of another person’s account to post a picture on this board. Now, there are certain ethical problems that are created with hotlinking.
1. The other person’s account may not have the bandwidth to support the extra downloads that will occur each time the picture is viewed.
2. The person may remove the picture and we no longer can see it.
3. The picture may be switched with another (perhaps a picture that is not welcome to be viewed on this board).
I am requesting that we should be respectful of other people’s account and refrain from hotlinking, unless you have permission to do so from the other party.
With that said, I am giving permission to all of you to hotlink from Michael Emerson photo gallery. I have no problems with it. The Web server is mine, and I have no real bandwidth problems. However, as other sites or other people's sites may suffer additional bandwidth charges when there are too many pictures being downloaded from their sites to other sites, please download those pictures to an account of your own. There are a number of places that you can sign up and get your own pictures hosted. (And they are free.) Here are a few that I can think of as of now:
photobucket.comimageshack.us/tinypic.com/flickr.comIf you Google photo hosting, you should come up with a slew of others.