Someone has put the video up on YouTube, so here's that link, also.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=soCOcytRv4AClick here to just listen (7MB, MP3 file)Click here to download (7MB, MP3 file) (If sometime in the future someone wants to download this and the link stops working, please PM me and I will upload it again.)
Walking to seat
Val Kilmer, Michael, Jimmy Kimmel
"Did you know how many appearances..."
Carrie "jumped up and down and wept"...
Carrie doesn't like spoilers...
"I'm nothing but a walking spoiler."
She's torn between not wanting to know anything, and wanting a little bit of dirt.
Jimmy watches the previews in slow motion.
"It sort of looks like Ben needs surgery..."
"Everything's layered on Lost..."
It still says Henry Gale on his trailer.
Shouldn't the crew have learned his real name by now?
It's not lying, it's building suspense.
The new pretty people? "You'll be informed at a time that's appropriate..."
Where have these new pretty people been for the past year? Standing just off-camera?
Hawaii's not a perfect fit...
Clutching the bedclothes.
Inflatable ring and crossword.
And then there's the guy from Lost!
"You're walking around with people?!"
Invisible celebrity lane.
(Looking at Val after the celebrity lane joke.)
(Back at Jimmy.)
How did you manage to get the clip...
(Covering eyes before clip.)
(End of interview)
(This is not in the audio clip- it's after they've come back from commercials and the band has performed. Michael doesn't say anything, it's just Jimmy thanking the guests.)